
Imperius Wealth

Retirement is the new black – here’s why

Who says retirement means you have to slow down?

Gone are the days when we had to do 40 years’ hard labour before a few twilight years pottering around the garden.

With a good financial plan it’s possible to spend 20, 30 or even 40 years living the life of Reilly. Skiing. Surfing. Climbing mountains. Or just watching the sun go down on Galway Bay with a good book and a glass of wine.

Your future is in your own hands. More importantly, your future is in your own head.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts – what he thinks, he becomes.”

The aim of financial planning has always been to deliver clients a particular lifestyle. However, as a profession, advisers haven’t always opened their clients’ eyes to the endless possibilities of retirement.

That’s why at Imperius Wealth we spend as much time as we do helping our clients to answer the question:

What does retirement mean to you?

Retirement is too often seen as an end of something, as a time to accept your body and brain’s gentle decline.

But shouldn’t we look at it in a much more positive light? Shouldn’t we see retirement for what it really is – probably the biggest opportunity you’ve ever had to live your dream? Or dreams?

You probably don’t want to emulate Yuichiro Miura, the 80-year-old who recovered from two heart operations to climb Mount Everest, but isn’t there something just as crazy on your bucket list

Don’t you think living longer, means dreaming longer? We do, and if you agree, get in touch and let’s have a chat.

Andrew Cree

Andrew Cree

Senior Financial Planner


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